Sunday, 4 March 2012


For some reason this week I remembered that saying, “the only thing constant is change” which I thought was ironic and yet so true and I figure when change is taking place it is nerve racking; you get a bit apprehensive of the unknown and then you hold your head high fix your posture and march ahead with excitement and pride. I can say that I generally like change especially for the better and  I say this because Ms. Jenai Mapp- Watson asked me to be an Event Planner for SEED and I graciously and humbly accepted. This new opportunity is going to be hard work but also amazing with awesome events being planned and executed left and right with a dose of teamwork we will achieve S.E.E.D’s goals.

This week my assignment was to create a commercial sales pitch for umbrella corporations where I had to write a pitch like the one I wrote before but now it will appeal to their clients which are small businesses that are really this country’s entrepreneurs/wealth creators. Yup so my first course of action was to do my research on the organisations such as SBA, BIMAPP,TVET Council and BARP to really find out how SEED fits into their current programmes and services offered to their clients. To find out how we can help, to find out how they can help us and to make SEED look irresistible and  more attractive to these organisations so as to present us to their clients as “Must Haves”. The sales pitch is completed and I have to start calls Monday, I’ll tell you how it goes. I also made calls back to persons that can potentially help me in locating an airbrush artist but no such luck but then I used facebook and came across someone, sent a message and got the contact information.The plan is to test drive airbrushing KlipXtreme speakers, sleeves, mice and established if we can go forward in effectively marketing the products.

I had my first official meeting as one of the event planners of SEED this week. Ms. Mapp-Watson is out of the country and thus met through skype and the telephone. The meeting took place in the POS office with Takara Browne (event planner), Ms. Mapp- Watson (founder of SEED) and myself(event planner). The meeting was held to address discrepancies, the current operations of SEED and moving forward. It was established that while SEED is about advertising and helping the youth development in the island, in addition to these two aspects there is also building awareness for SEED members. This means sensitizing the public about important issues that SEED members wish to speak about, that they have a passion for and want others to be involved and passionate about these issues also. We have come to the realisation that although the internet is golden the telephone with speaker is heavenly. The internet connection was not strong and kept getting disconnected from Ms. Mapp- Watson thus the phone was our backup and it is great to be working with persons that are committed, creative and determined. I am thrilled and excited to be a part of SEED and it goes to show change is wonderful and after all it is the one thing that is constant.

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