Monday, 13 February 2012

Week 4 @ POS People

Yes all my fans reading my blogs its been a long time! I apologize for my late post but guess what I,m here now and its week four.Within this week there was a brunch with Mr. Jason Francis of of the BYDC. Yes the BYDC, just like me you probably don't know what this stands for on hearing it for the first time, so yes I can say I learnt something during this brunch. The acronym BYDC stands for Barbados Youth Development council and briefly it's a non-governmental organization which provides volunteer work within the community to further the skill set of the youth today. For more information you can visit them HERE.

On another note this week I started the task of solving the problem of being able to get excellent signal from the warehouse out into the supermarket floor so that the devices are able to connect to the WIFI connection. We placed an inquiry with 4netonline but however they were just and I quote "distributors" and gave us the contact for the support of UBIQUITI itself. After sending off an email of the problem to the UBIQUITI support staff we received an answer from the support staff after a day. We were informed to check their forums to see if any users had the same problem and if they posted their solution once the problem was solved. So much for their "support" team :(. There comes the task for week 5, scouring the UBIQUITI forums for a possible solution to the problem at hand. Until week five I say adios amigos!!

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